Saturday, November 20, 2010

FBI UFO files

I just came across these rather recently and have had the time to browse through many of these documents. A few things strike me as rather peculiar. First, is the document found on pg. 45 of this listing on the FBI FOIA UFO list: FOIA FBI. Here we have J. Edgar Hoover admitting that the military has, indeed, recovered something at a case referred to in this document as the La. Case (or the SA Case - as some sites have it, but given his flowery writing this looks clearly to be an L to me.) The question then becomes: what is the La. (or Sa.) case? Given the dating of the document on 7/10/47 (see page 44), it is clear that this would either refer back to the Battle of Los Angeles on Feb. 1942 or another case more recent to the date of the memo.Other documents within the FOIA collection fail to shed any light as to exactly what the La. Case (or Sa. Case) was. The absence of evidence regarding this case does not, however, impact the revelation of Hoover regarding the recovery of crash remains at a site pre-Roswell. The second, and last, thing that struck me about the many documents on the FOIA FBI website is the extent to which the FBI, under Hoover, investigated the UFO phenomenon. From 1947, the FBI investigated the phenomenon regularly in cooperation with Air Force investigators. The extent of the investigations and the information provided in the documents regarding the findings stands remarkably in the face of the findings of the Condon Report, Project Blue Book, and other UFO investigative projects. This site is definitely worth a reading for anyone interested in the Governments role in the investigation of UFO phenomenon.

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