Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Personal UFO Sighting

Yesterday, while at school, I witnessed an interesting UFO around Lake Land Campus. After my world civilization course, we decided to go to Marathon to get a pack of smokes. I noticed a bright starlike object in the sky. It was around 345 pm - well before stars were out. The object went from bright to dull then back to bright and then disappeared. I pointed out to Mark, and he didn't see it. Well, it reappeared again - this time in a different position. Got bright and then disappeared again - this time Mark seen it. As we pulled into Marathon, it was still not seen in the sky. After I got done and came back to the car, we both seen it again - this time brighter than it had been the previous two times. It sat there for roughly a minute. Then disappeared again. As we got out of the car at Lake Land again, it was gone - but there were 5 high flying jets in the sky. Very interesting.

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